Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Syeikh Abdul Kadir Jailani Sultan Aulia.

Sebenarnya bukanlah dia sendiri yg memberi darjat pangkat sedemikian tidak lain melainkan org2 sesudah beliau.
Pada ana ia tak mengapa kerna mengambil tafsir kisah Al_Kahfi dalam Quran.
Di bawah di turunkan kisah saat perginya beliau.

5. The Shaikh's Death

Excerpted from Futuh al-Ghaib [Revelations of the Unseen] The Shaikh's final advice to his sons (sanctified be their innermost secrets); some valuable remarks he made; his last illness and death (may Allah be well pleased with him, and grant him contentment.) When the Shaikh (may Allah be content with him and grant him contentment) was in the throes of the illness of which he died, his son 'Abd al-Wahhab (sanctified be his innermost secret) said to him: "O my master, leave me with some advice to put into practice after you are gone." To this he replied (may Allah be well pleased with him, and grant him contentment): "You must observe your duty to Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He), fear no one but Allah, pin your hopes on no one but Allah, and entrust all your needs to Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He). Do not rely on anyone but Him, address all your requests to Him (Exalted is He), and put your trust in no one other than Allah (Glory be to Him). Affirm His Oneness. All is contained within the affirmation of His Oneness." He also said (may Allah be well pleased with him, and grant him contentment): "When the heart is as it should be with Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He), it wants for nothing and contains nothing superfluous." He said further (may Allah be well pleased with him, and grant him contentment): "I am a kernel with no shell." To his sons he said (may Allah be well pleased with him): "Keep your distance from me, for I am with you outwardly, but inwardly I am with others." He also said (may Allah be well pleased with him): "Others have come into my presence, so make room for them and treat them courteously. A very great kindness here. Do not crowd their space." He kept saying (may Allah be well pleased with him): "On you be peace, and Allah's mercy and His blessings. May Allah forgive me and you. May Allah relent toward me and toward you. In the Name of Allah, farewell!" He said this for a day and a night. He said (may Allah be well pleased with him): "Woe unto you! Nothing worries me, not the angel, not even you, O angel of death! He who cares for us has blessed us with something beyond you." Then he uttered a loud cry. This was on the day in the late evening of which he died (may Allah be well pleased with him). It is reported by two of his sons, Shaikh 'Abd al-Razzaq and Shaikh Musa (sanctified be their innermost secrets) that the venerable Ghawth (may Allah be well pleased with him) would raise his hands and stretch them out, while saying: "On you be peace, and Allah's mercy and His blessings! Repent and get into line when it comes to your turn." He was sayng (may Allah be well pleased with him): "Wait!" Then came to him the moment of truth and the pang of death.

He said (may Allah be well pleased with him): "Between me and you and all other creatures there is a distance like that between heaven and earth, so do not compare me to anyone, and do not compare us with anyone." Then his son Shaikh 'Abd al-'Aziz (sanctified be his innermost secret) asked him again about his suffering and how he felt, but he said (may Allah be well pleased with him): "Let no one ask me anything. I am basking in the knowledge of Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He)." Shaikh 'Abd al-'Aziz (sanctified be his innermost secret) asked him again about his illness, and he replied (may Allah be well pleased with him): "No one knows the nature of my sickness, and nobody understands it, be he human, jinn, or angel. Allah's knowledge is not diminished by Allah's decree. The decree may change, but the knowledge is unchanging. 'Allah effaces or confirms whatever He will, and with Him is the Essence of the Book,' (13:39). 'He will not be questioned as to what He does, but they will be questioned.' (21:23)." The following descriptions have also been reported:

His son Shaikh 'Abd al-Jabbar (sanctified be his innermost secret) asked him: "Which part of your body gives you pain?" He replied (may Allah be well pleased with him): "All my organs are hurting me except my heart. There is no pain there, for it is with Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He)." Then death came to him, as he was saying (may Allah be well pleased with him): "I seek help in the words: 'There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He, the Ever-Living, Who has no fear of passing away. Glory be to Him Who exults in His omnipotence, and subdues His servants with death. There is none worthy of worship but Allah. Muhammad is Allah's Messenger.'"

His son Shaikh Musa (sanctified be his innermost secret) told us that when death approached the presence of the Shaikh (may Allah be well pleased with him, and grant him contentment), he was trying to say the word "ta'azzaza" ["exults"], but could not get the pronunciation right, so he kept on repeating "ta-'az-za-za," slowly and emphatically, until his tongue shot it out. Then he said: "Allah, Allah, Allah," till his voice grew faint and his tongue was cleaving to the roof of his mouth. Then his noble spirit went forth.

The good pleasure of Allah (Exalted is He) be upon him!

For further information on Shaikh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, please visit the Shaikh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani Website.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Nabi Idris

Kisah Nabi Allah Idris a.s
Tidak banyak keterangan yang didapati tentang kisah Nabi Idris di dalam Al-Quran mahupun dalam kitab-kitab Tafsir dan kitab-kitab sejarah nabi-nabi.Di dalam Al-Quran hanya terdapat dua ayat tentang Nabi Idris iaitu dalam surah Maryam ayat 56 dan 57: "Dan ceritakanlah { hai Muhammad kepada mereka , kisah } Idris yang terdapat tersebut di dalam Al-Quran. Sesungguhnya ia adalah seorang yang sangat membenarkan dan seorang nabi. 57 - Dan Kami telah mengangkatnya ke martabat yang tinggi." { Maryam : 56 - 57 }

Nabi Idris adalah keturunan keenam dari Nabi Adam a.s. putera dari Yarid bin Mihla'iel bin Qinan bin Anusy bin Syith bin Adam A.S. dan adalah keturunan pertama yang dikurniai kenabian menjadi Nabi setelah Adam dan Syith. Menurut kitab tafsir 1000 tahun selepas Nabi Adam a.s wafat.

Nabi Idris dianugerahkan kepandaian di dalam pelbagai disiplin ilmu kemahiran serta mencipta peralatan yang digunakan manusia sekarang ini seperti penulisan, matematik, astronomi, dan lain-lain lagi. Menurut sebuah kisah, terdapat satu masa di mana kebanyakan manusia telah melupakan tuhan, dan bumi telah dihukum dengan kemarau. Walaubagaimanapun, Nabi Idris a.s. telah berdoa ke hadrat Allah s.w.t. dan berakhirlah musim kemarau tersebut dengan turunnya hujan.

Nabi Idris menurut sementara riwayat bermukim di Mesir di mana ia berdakwah untuk agama Allah mengajarkan tauhid dan beribadat menyembah Allah serta memberi beberapa pendoman hidup bagi pengikut-pengikutnya agar menyelamat diri dari seksaan di akhirat dan kehancuran serta kebinasaan di dunia. Ia hidup sampai usia 82 tahun.

Menurut sebuah buku The Prophet of God Enoch: Nabiyullah Idris, Idris ialah nama Arab bagi Enoch. Beliau dinyatakan di dalam Al-Quran sebagai manusia yang dipilih oleh Allah s.w.t. sehingga beliau diangkat ke langit.

Satu kepercayaan yang tidak dipastikan kesahihannya mengatakan bahawa piramid telah dibina sebagai merujuk kepada Nabi Idris a.s., kerana di kawasan itulah di mana beliau diangkat ke langit.

Nasihat dan Pengajaran
Diantara beberapa nasihat dan kata-kata mutiaranya ialah : ~

Kesabaran yang disertai iman kepada Allah membawa kemenangan.
Orang yang bahagia ialah orang yang berwaspada dan mengharapkan syafaat dari Tuhannya dengan amal-amal solehnya.
Bila kamu memohon sesuatu kepada Allah dan berdoa maka ikhlaskanlah niatmu demikian pula puasa dan solatmu.
Janganlah bersumpah dalam keadaan kamu berdusta dan janganlah menuntup sumpah dari orang yang berdusta agar kamu tidak menyekutui mereka dalam dosa.
Taatlah kepada raja-rajamu dan tunduklah kepada pembesar-pembesarmu serta penuhilah selalu mulut-mulutmu dengan ucapan syukur dan puji kepada Allah.
Janganlah iri hati kepada orang-orang yang baik nasibnya, karena mereka tidak akan banyak dan lama menikmati kebaikan nasibnya.
Barang siapa melampaui kesederhanaan tidak sesuatu pun akan memuaskannya.
Tanpa membagi-bagikan nikmat yang diperolehnya seorang tidak dapat bersyukur kepada Allah atas nikmat-nikmat yang diperolehinya itu.
Dalam hubungan dengan firman Allah bahawa Nabi Idris diangkat kemartabat tinggi Ibnu Abi Hatim dalam tafsirnya meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi Idris wafat tatkala berada di langit keempat dibawa oleh seorang Malaikat Wallahu a'alam bissawab.